Translation for "been complaint" to spanish
Translation examples
Please specify whether there have been complaints about non-observance of international standards, and give details of the outcome of such complaints.
Puntualicen si ha habido o no quejas por incumplimiento de las normas internacionales y cuál ha sido el resultado de dichas quejas.
There have been complaints about burning skin, but I shouldn't worry.
Ha habido quejas de personas con ardor en la piel, pero nada importante.
There have been complaints, and you've been taken off all of my cases.
Han habido quejas, y has sido quitada de todos mis casos.
There have been complaints by students citing verbal abuse.
Ha habido quejas de estudiantes de abuso verbal.
There have been complaints. Put down the bullhorn!
/Ha habido quejas. ¡Bajen /el megáfono!
There's been ... complaints, reports ...
Ha habido quejas, informes...
There have been complaints, my lord.
- Ha habido quejas, Milord.
You might expect this if there'd been complaints or if we'd been foisted upon her by a superior.
Se podría esperar esto si hubiera habido quejas o si alguien superior a ella nos hubiera impuesto.
There's been complaints that... there are feathers stuck to some of your apples.
Ha habido quejas como... que hay plumas pegadas a algunas de sus manzanas.
There have been complaints, Dr Turd.
Ha habido quejas, Dra. Truño.
And, as you know, there have been complaints about your statistical methods.
Ha habido quejas sobre tus métodos estadísticos.
There have been complaints from all over the village.
Ha habido quejas de todo el vecindario.
‘Well, there’ve been complaints. From Visitors.
– Pues ha habido quejas. De visitantes.
“There have been complaints?” said Miss Susan.
—¿Han habido quejas? —dijo la Srta. Susan.
There have been complaints of unauthorized persons receiving and reading telegrams.
Ha habido quejas de que personas no autorizadas recibían y leían telegramas.
It wasn’t random. Each place either had a history already or there had been complaints.
No era aleatorio. Todos los locales ya habían sido multados o había habido quejas.
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