Translation for "be properly dressed" to spanish
Translation examples
Other testimonies and reports received in person by the Special Rapporteur complained that women were brought before the Public Order Court where they had to sign undertakings that in the future they would appear in public properly dressed.
En otros testimonios y denuncias recibidos personalmente por el Relator Especial se expresaron quejas de que las mujeres debían comparecer ante el Tribunal de Orden Público donde se les exigía que firmaran un compromiso de que en el futuro aparecerían en público vestidas adecuadamente.
He wasn't properly dressed and it was rotten weather.
No iba vestido adecuadamente y el tiempo era espantoso.
He was not properly dressed, and his hair was in a dreadful state, uncombed and tousled from sleep.
No estaba vestido adecuadamente, tenía el pelo horrible, despeinado tras haber dormido.
Apollo thought, “What would she not look like properly dressed and with her hair nicely arranged?”
Apolo pensó: «¿Por qué no va vestida adecuadamente ni lleva el pelo bien arreglado?».
There were three interviewers this time, not one, and even though Ferguson was properly dressed for the occasion (white shirt, jacket, and tie) and had reluctantly given in when his mother and Amy had begged him to get a haircut before going down there, he felt nervous and out of place in front of those men, who were no less friendly to him than the Columbia professor had been and asked all the questions he was expecting to be asked, but when the hour-long interrogation finally ended, he walked out of the room feeling he had made a botch of it, cursing himself for having mixed up the titles of books by William James and his brother Henry for one thing, and, even worse, having garbled Sancho Panza into Poncho Sanza for another, and in spite of having corrected those errors the instant the words had flown out of his mouth, they were the blunders of a true and thorough idiot, he felt, and not only was he convinced he would come in dead last among all the candidates for the scholarship, he was disgusted with himself for having performed so badly under pressure.
Esta vez había tres entrevistadores, no uno solo, y aunque Ferguson se había vestido adecuadamente para la ocasión (camisa blanca, chaqueta y corbata) y antes de ir para allá había consentido de mala gana en cortarse el pelo ante las súplicas de su madre y Amy, se sentía nervioso y fuera de lugar frente a aquellos hombres, que no se mostraban con él menos afables que el profesor de Columbia y le hacían todas las preguntas que él esperaba que le hicieran, pero cuando finalmente acabó el interrogatorio de una hora, salió del despacho con la sensación de haber hecho una chapuza, maldiciéndose, en primer lugar, por haber confundido los títulos de William James con los de su hermano Henry y luego, aún peor, por haber hecho un galimatías con el nombre de Sancho Panza cambiándolo a Poncho Sanza, y a pesar de haber corregido esos errores en el instante en que las palabras le salieron de la boca, constituían las meteduras de pata de un verdadero y absoluto idiota, consideraba él, y no sólo tenía la certeza de que acabaría el último entre los candidatos a la beca, sino que también estaba indignado consigo mismo por haber reaccionado tan mal a la presión que habían ejercido sobre él.
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