Translation for "avoid being" to spanish
Translation examples
Only the people who were well-informed could make the right choice and avoid being "abused".
Sólo las poblaciones bien informadas podían elegir adecuadamente y evitar ser "abusadas".
He immediately reported the matter to his superior officers in order to avoid being punished for losing his weapon.
El autor informó inmediatamente de este hecho a sus superiores para evitar ser sancionado por pérdida de arma.
Like the other officers, they pulled their jackets up to avoid being identified.
Al igual que los otros agentes, se subieron las cazadoras para evitar ser identificados.
NAP guidelines should thus be generic in nature and flexible and should avoid being prescriptive.
Con ese fin, las directrices de los planes nacionales de adaptación deberían ser genéricas y flexibles y evitar ser prescriptivas.
The foresters must be enabled to organize themselves and to avoid "being organized" by others.
Los silvicultores deben poder organizarse para evitar "ser organizados" por otros.
Many took to the jungle, others went to Kathmandu, reportedly to avoid being apprehended or killed by the police.
Muchos se han refugiado en la selva y otros en Katmandú, al parecer para evitar ser detenidos o asesinados por la policía.
Many adolescent girls considered pregnancy as a means to avoid being recruited by illegal armed groups.
Muchas adolescentes consideraron que el embarazo era una manera de evitar ser reclutadas por los grupos armados ilegales.
3. Bribery of officials in order to avoid being identified;
Corrupción de funcionarios para evitar ser identificados.
This would help us avoid being hostage to those fundamental questions that still need to be resolved.
Esto nos ayudaría a evitar ser rehenes de asuntos fundamentales que todavía hay que resolver.
How can I avoid being reckless.
¿Cómo puedo evitar ser imprudente?
They have to avoid being followed.
Ellos tienen que evitar ser seguidos.
It must also avoid being blown to pieces.
Debe también evitar ser aniquilado.
To avoid being bullied ,
Para evitar ser intimidado,
we must avoid being pulled into reverse.
¡Debemos evitar ser arrastrados hacia atrás!
How can we avoid being killed?
¿Como podemos evitar ser destruidos?
Were they trying to avoid being seen?
¿Trataban de evitar ser vistos?
Cause you want to avoid being arrested.
Porque quieres evitar ser arrestado.
Yeah, to avoid being spotted.
- Sí, para evitar ser culpado.
Then you avoid being sacrificed.
Entonces a evitar ser sacrificado .
Surely there was no way that they could avoid being discovered.
no podrían evitar ser descubiertos.
Going into the alleyways was only to avoid being trampled.
Los de los callejones era solo para evitar ser pisoteados.
The scoffer ducked to avoid being identified.
El autor de la burla se encogió para evitar ser identificado.
Turnboldt had to sit up to avoid being pulled to the floor.
Turnboldt tuvo que sentarse para evitar ser arrastrado al piso.
They had chosen this open spot to avoid being overheard.
Habían escogido aquel lugar abierto para evitar ser oídos.
The Core Human Drive Is to Dominate and to Avoid Being Dominated.
El principal impulso humano es dominar y evitar ser dominado.
In the way they seek to avoid being seen, everything becomes apparent.
Por la forma en que tratan de evitar ser vistos, todo resulta obvio.
“Couldn’t avoid being a bit of a pinko, could he?” He looked at Marom.
No podía evitar ser rojeras —y miró a Marom.
Mena had to throw herself to the deck to avoid being hit by the yardarm.
Mena se tuvo que arrojar a la cubierta para evitar ser golpeada por el penal.
I wanted to avoid being a hero, to enter the city quietly.
Quería evitar ser un héroe, quería entrar sigilosamente en la ciudad.
There's absolutely zero way that the CEO can avoid being there.
No hay absolutamente cero de manera que el director general puede evitar estar allí.
I've spent my entire life playing it safe just to avoid being exactly where I am right now.
He pasado toda la vida yendo sobre seguro... para evitar estar exactamente donde estoy ahora.
You know, McPhee, if I didn't know better I'd think that you were trying to avoid being alone with me.
¿Sabes algo, McPhee? Te conozco bien. No imagino que quieras evitar estar sola conmigo.
You can't avoid being super sexy.
No podrás evitar estar supersexy.
You stayed in Michigan all week to avoid being around me?
¿Te quedaste en Michigan toda la semana para evitar estar conmigo?
And I think I've found a way to avoid being with him because I blame him.
Y creo que he buscado la forma de evitar estar con él porque le culpo.
You should avoid being together in public.
Deberían evitar estar juntos en público.
We should avoid being alone together.
Deberíamos evitar estar a solas.
Are you getting married because you want to avoid being around me?
¿Va a casarse porque quiere evitar estar cerca de mí?
It's like you avoid being alone with me.
Como si evitaras estar sola conmigo.
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