Translation for "as straight as possible" to spanish
As straight as possible
Translation examples
Its sole purpose, as far as they could see, was to be as straight as possible, even if that meant they had to rocksaw through a mountain rather than take the obvious way around it.
Todo cuanto sabían era que tenía que ser lo más recto posible, incluso si ello implicaba taladrar una montaña en lugar de rodearla, como era lo habitual.
You sit down cross-legged, as straight as possible, stretch your spine from the tailbone to the back of the head, close your eyes, and concentrate on your breathing. Inhale, exhale.
Uno se sienta en el suelo, con las piernas encogidas y las rodillas separadas, se mantiene lo más recto posible, estira la columna vertebral desde el coxis hasta el occipucio, cierra los ojos y se concentra en la respiración.
By the time I eased into a living room armchair (listing to the left, as usual, and trying to keep my right leg as straight as possible), I was willing to admit to myself that I was exhausted.
Para cuando me senté cuidadosamente en una butaca del salón (inclinándome hacia la izquierda, como de costumbre, y tratando de mantener la pierna derecha lo más recta posible), estaba dispuesto a admitir que me sentía exhausto.
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