Translation for "as emotionally" to spanish
Translation examples
Though, frankly, I'm as emotionally invested in this as she is.
Francamente, estoy tan emocionalmente dedicado a esto como ella.
Well, I'm sorry, Barry, I'm not as emotionally healthy as you are.
Bueno, lo siento, Barry, no estoy tan emocionalmente sano como tú.
It is a matter of “blocking”—imagining a shield around yourself and remaining as emotionally inert as possible.
Es un asunto de «bloqueo»: imaginar un escudo rodeándolo a uno y permanecer tan emocionalmente inerte como es posible.
Why buy the same woman’s sexual services twice, in a market exchange potentially as emotionally uncomplicated and uncommitted as getting one’s car washed, or buying a bunch of bananas?
¿Por qué adquirir los servicios sexuales de una misma mujer dos veces mediante un intercambio comercial que en principio es tan emocionalmente sencillo y poco comprometido como ir a lavar el coche o comprar un racimo de plátanos?
Their relatives and in-laws but, most frequently, their male partners will abuse women physically, sexually and emotionally.
Los parientes consanguíneos y políticos, pero con más frecuencia todavía la pareja, abusa de la mujer física, sexual y emocionalmente.
Psychological or emotional violence: These victims are emotionally traumatized.
Violencia psicológica o emocional: Estas víctimas están traumatizadas emocionalmente.
- having parents who are emotionally absent
- Tener padres emocionalmente ausentes
It is often emotionally stressful for child witnesses to testify against their parents.
Suele ser emocionalmente estresante para un niño testigo declarar contra su padre o su madre.
There are millions of children today who are suffering physically, psychologically and emotionally from the effects of war.
Millones de niños actualmente padecen los efectos de la guerra física, psicológica y emocionalmente.
Men often dominate a relationship sexually and emotionally.
Los hombres suelen dominar una relación sexual y emocionalmente.
The treatment of survivors is a very labour intensive and emotionally demanding job.
El tratamiento de los supervivientes es una labor que exige la intervención de muchas personas y es emocionalmente agotadora.
Few staff members remain emotionally untouched by living through these many situations.
Son pocos los funcionarios que no se ven afectados emocionalmente al vivir experiencias de ese tipo.
It has not been easy to counsel some of these children, especially those who are still emotionally attached to their former abductors.
No es fácil orientar a esas niñas, en particular las que siguen emocionalmente apegadas a sus secuestradores.
Adolescent girls are physically, mentally and emotionally unprepared for childbirth.
Las adolescentes no están preparadas, ni física ni mental ni emocionalmente para dar a luz.
Sandra said that, although she was able to help Gary practically, bringing up Sinead and Rory, she described him as "emotionally unhelpable". He was a depressive, he drank...
Sandra dijo que aunque pudo ayudar a Gary a criar a Sinead y Rory, le describió como "emocionalmente desesperado".
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