Translation for "are served" to spanish
Translation examples
This has served to improve:
Esto ha servido para:
This decision has served to:
Esta decisión ha servido para:
NEPAD has served as the catalyst for development.
La NEPAD ha servido de catalizadora para el desarrollo.
I have served my country since its birth.
He servido a mi país desde su nacimiento.
Fiscal responsibility has served to encourage efficiency.
Las responsabilidad fiscal ha servido para alentar la eficacia.
They have also served to attenuate stigma and discrimination.
También han servido para paliar la estigmatización y la discriminación.
Total no. of lunches served
Número total de almuerzos servidos
Globalization has served to heighten our interdependence.
La mundialización ha servido para aumentar nuestra interdependencia.
and those who have served its ideals
y quienes han servido a sus ideales
They have served civil aviation well.
Estos tratados han servido adecuadamente a la aviación civil.
All meals are served in the dining room.
Todas las comidas son servidas en el salor comedor.
-Tatties and neeps are served with haggis.
-Tatties and neeps son servidos con haggis.
the recipient was served, and well served.
el que lo recibía quedaba servido, y bien servido.
“It will not care so greatly about you after you have served.” “Served?
—No se preocupará tanto por ti cuando hayas servido. —¿Servido?
You’ve served the organization well. Served me well.
Has servido bien a esta organización. Me has servido bien a mí.
For him, I—and Hethor, who serves me—have served you.
Por él te he servido, y te ha servido Hethor, que me sirve a mí.
I have served my prince, and I have served this family.
Yo he servido a mi príncipe y he servido a mi familia.
You have served country, yes … but you have not yet served God!
Has servido a la patria, sí..., pero ¡aún no has servido a Dios!
The meal is served;
La mesa está servida;
Breakfast is served.
El desayuno está servido.
Clients served
Clientes atendidos
Children as a % of population served**
Porcentaje de niños entre la población atendida**
Population Served
Población atendida
Staff to clients served
Funcionarios por clientes atendidos
No. of children served
Número de niños atendidos
Institutions served
Establecimientos atendidos
Groups served
Grupos atendidos
1,037 youngsters served
1.037 jóvenes atendidos
No one was served in turn.
No habían atendido a nadie en orden.
“They got here first. We’ve been served already.”
Han sido ellos los que han llegado antes. Y a quienes ya han atendido ha sido a nosotros.
Do you know who was serving you?
¿Sabe quién la ha atendido?
Have you served at table before?
¿Alguna vez has atendido una mesa?
We widows and wives are poorly served.
Las viudas y esposas estamos mal atendidas.
‘That you’ve mistreated your customer and you haven’t served her properly.
—Que has maltratado a esta mujer y no la has atendido debidamente.
He had never before served my father so obligingly.
Nunca había atendido a mi padre con tanto celo.
You would not believe how badly I am served, Ammar.
—No os creeríais lo mal atendido que estoy, Ammar.
Already there are long lines of people waiting to be served.
Ya hay largas colas de gente que espera a ser atendida.
They serve in an individual capacity and on an honorary basis.
Sirven de manera individual y honoraria.
The Balkans are badly served by mixed signals.
A los Balcanes no les sirven los mensajes contradictorios.
And they serve to conserve soil and water.
También sirven para conservar el suelo y el agua.
These serve as an example to other municipalities.
Éstos sirven de ejemplo para otras municipalidades.
Their projects serve as models for States to follow.
Sus proyectos sirven de modelo para los Estados.
Such practices serve selfish purposes.
Tales prácticas sirven a propósitos egoístas.
6. Ms. Wedgwood suggested that the words "serve by" should be replaced with "serve as".
La Sra. Wedgwood sugiere que las palabras "sirven de" se sustituyan por "sirven como".
And they can serve as an example to us all.
Sirven como ejemplo para todos.
They are serving a truly noble cause.
Sus integrantes sirven a una causa verdaderamente noble.
All the meals are served there. Bradley!
Ahí se sirven todas las comidas...
Meals are served right after take off.
Las comidas se sirven justo después del despegue.
With only minutes to go before desserts are served in the MasterChef restaurant team challenge...
Consólominutosparair antes se sirven postres enelrestauranteMasterChefdesafíoequipo ...
And those are served in, uh...
Y aquellos se sirven en, uh...
Evening meals are served in the refectory.
Se sirven comidas en el refectorio.
Meals are served three times a day.
Las comidas se sirven tres veces al día.
Certain items that can only be found seasonally are served.
Se sirven sólo cosas que pueden hallarse estacionalmente.
(Announcer) The judges are served up laughter.
(Locutor) Los jueces se sirven hasta la risa.
Meals are served in the common room.
Las comidas se sirven en la sala de estar.
Heavier flavors are served later in the course.
Los sabores más pesados se sirven más tarde en la comida.
Words will not serve.
No sirven las palabras.
They serve hamburgers.
Sirven hamburguesas.
They don't serve guests.
No sirven a los invitados.
    'They don't serve horses.'
–No sirven caballos.
“The sort they serve in Aberdeen,”
—¿Como los que sirven en Aberdeen?
they serve those values.
sirven a esos valores.
“They serve my purposes.”
Sirven a mis propósitos.
They serve food there.
Sirven comidas allí.
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