Translation for "and withdraw" to spanish
Translation examples
VI. Withdrawal from the NPT
VI. Posibilidad de retirarse del TNP
Withdrawal from the Treaty
Derecho a retirarse del Tratado
Neither side attempted to withdraw.
Ninguna de las dos partes trató de retirarse;
A. The Nature of the right to withdraw from the Treaty
A. La naturaleza del derecho a retirarse del Tratado
But Israel does not wish to withdraw; it is still camouflaging its unwillingness to withdraw completely by relocating or redeploying its forces.
Sin embargo, Israel no desea retirarse; sigue camuflando su falta de disposición a retirarse completamente cambiando de lugar sus fuerzas o redesplegándolas.
Forced admission, prevention of withdrawing
Incorporación forzosa o prohibición de retirarse del grupo
Israel was forced to withdraw.
Israel se vio forzado a retirarse.
Reportedly, he's going to choose his successor, and withdraw from the martial arts world.
Por lo visto, va a elegir a su sucesor... y retirarse de las artes marciales.
From the moment Lapatuia's ultimatum ... have exactly 30 minutes to come from behind ... At the station, convert the order in madness ... and withdraw decently.
Desde el momento del ultimátum de Lapatuia... tenemos exactamente 30 minutos para entrar por atrás... en la comisaría, convertir el orden en locura... y retirarse decorosamente.
Request authority to force sub to surface and withdraw from those waters.
Solicito permiso para obligarlo a salir a superficie y retirarse de esas aguas. Eso es todo.
Idealy, raze the vilage and withdraw.
Lo ideal sería arrasar la villa y retirarse.
Starfleet has ten days to abandon their bases and withdraw their forces from the sector.
La Flota tiene diez días para abandonar sus bases y retirarse.
You have fifteen minutes to restore the Andromeda's control capabilities and withdraw to your own vessel, or I will retake my ship by force.
Tienen 15 minutos para restaurar las capacidades de control de Andrómeda y retirarse a su propia nave, o volveré a tomar mi nave por la fuerza.
They knew they must withdraw.
Tenían que retirarse.
They began to withdraw.
Empezaron a retirarse.
He was allowed to withdraw.
Se le permitió retirarse.
They request permission to withdraw
Solicitan permiso para retirarse...
The military is threatening to withdraw.
El ejército amenaza con retirarse.
Prudence suggests withdrawal.
La prudencia le sugiere retirarse.
definitely time to withdraw.
era el momento de retirarse, decididamente.
(b) Withdraw its reservation;
b) Retirar su reserva;
There were no plans to withdraw the circular.
No está previsto retirar la circular.
There are no plans to withdraw or amend the declaration.
No se prevé retirar ni enmendar la declaración.
I offered to withdraw this.
Me he ofrecido a retirar el documento.
Occupying forces must withdraw.
Las fuerzas de ocupación se deben retirar.
There are no plans for the withdrawal of the above reservations.
No está previsto retirar estas reservas.
"Relax and withdraw when you make contact."
"Relájese y retirar cuando usted hace el contacto ".
I can't just walk into a bank and withdraw $500,000.
No puedo ir al banco y retirar 500.000 dólares.
Now, we need 220 grand by tonight, but we can't go to a bank and withdraw that much.
Ahora, necesitamos 220 mil para esta noche, pero no podemos ir a un banco y retirar esa cantidad.
Which means the best course of action may be to meet Dubaku's demand and withdraw our forces.
Lo que significa que la mejor acción a tomar quizá sea cumplir las demandas de Dubaku y retirar nuestras fuerzas.
I will instead humble myself before my peers and withdraw the...
En cambio, me humillaré ante mis colegas y retiraré la--
They're saying he's gonna have to resign his seat on the city council and withdraw from the race for mayor.
Están diciendo que tendrá que dejar su banca en el Consejo Municipal y retirar su postulación a Alcalde.
And withdraw all 28,500 American troops from the Demilitarized Zone.
Y retirar todas las 28.500 tropas estadounidenses de la Zona Desmilitarizada.
You should withdraw.
Tendréis que retiraros.
“I’ll withdraw that question.
Retiraré esa pregunta.
Will you withdraw from the race or not?
¿Te retirarás de la carrera, o no?
I will not withdraw my request.
No retiraré mi petición.
'He'll withdraw his donation.
Retirará su donación.
They would be forced to withdraw the fleet.
Tendrán que retirar la flota.
Logiudice: I’ll withdraw it.
Logiudice: Pues la retiraré.
You are at liberty to withdraw.
Quedáis en libertad de retiraros.
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