Translation for "almost lifeless" to spanish
Almost lifeless
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Creating new life within her, she is herself almost lifeless.
Por crear una nueva vida en su interior está casi sin vida.
He was so still, he looked almost lifeless. He looked broken, and it killed Thomas.
Estaba tan quieto que parecía casi sin vida, quebrado, y eso a Thomas lo liquidó.
The house all of a sudden seemed cold, almost lifeless, as though a terrific draught had swept through it.
De pronto la casa parecía fría, casi sin vida, como si la hubiese barrido una formidable corriente de aire.
the faceless master to whom they bring bodies that are all but dead, almost lifeless, saves them with a simple gesture.
El maestro sin rostro, a quien le traen cuerpos casi muertos, casi sin vida, los salva con un simple gesto.
He took Moko's almost-lifeless hand and pressed it against his face, letting his tears run over the broad, hard fingers.
Cogió la mano casi sin vida de Moko y se la apretó contra la cara, dejando que sus lágrimas corrieran por los anchos y endurecidos dedos.
They half carried, half dragged the almost-lifeless body a hundred feet or so to the vertical crack of the Door, where Minho propped Alby up against the wall in a semi-sitting position.
Transportaron el cuerpo casi sin vida, a veces a rastras, unos treinta metros hasta la grieta vertical de la Puerta, donde Minho lo apoyó contra la pared dejándolo semisentado.
As the cross of oil was applied to her forehead, Doña Augusta opened her eyes, almost lifeless now, but the night’s stormy darkness lent her look of glass the reflections of an electrified metal sheet before she regained the cold of her reproachless eternity.
Al aplicarle la cruz de aceite sobre la frente, doña Augusta abrió los ojos, ya casi sin vida, pero la obscuridad tempestuosa de aquella noche le comunicó a la mirada de vidrio los reflejos de una plancha de metal electrizada, antes de recuperar el frío de su eternidad sin reproche.
Phoenicia thought it obvious that many of these people were mentally ill.  The Enquirer said they were brain-damaged by undernourishment or bad genes.  The eyes of these desperately impoverished people all looked alike to Phoenicia:  forlorn, dull, without hope, almost lifeless.
A Phoenicia le pareció lógico que muchas de esas personas tuviesen trastornadas las facultades mentales. El Enquirer afirmaba que padecían serias lesiones cerebrales a consecuencia de la desnutrición o de diversas taras hereditarias. Y pensó que aquellos menesterosos tenían todos los mismos ojos: tristes, sin brillo, faltos de esperanza, casi sin vida.
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