Translation for "of were" to russian
Translation examples
They were not discussed extensively.
Они не стали предметом обстоятельного обсуждения.
Indeed, those conclusions were no surprise.
Конечно, эти выводы не стали чем-то неожиданным.
However, they were the victims of aggression.
Тем не менее он стал жертвой агрессии.
Nine of the victims were minors.
Девятью жертвами стали несовершеннолетние.
Russia and Brazil were the most recent casualties.
Последними жертвами стали
Two other vehicles were attacked.
Объектом нападения стало еще два автомобиля.
By 2010 there were four hundred (400).
К 2010 году их стало четыреста.
INTERPOL distinguished between tourists who were victims of organized crime and those who were victims of a terrorist attack.
Интерпол проводит различие между теми туристами, которые стали жертвами организованной преступности, и теми, кто стали жертвами терактов.
policies were established in developing
Период, когда развивающиеся страны стали проводить
That means he wanted to be sure you were here!
Стало быть, ему непременно надо было, чтобы тут были вы!
Those silvery eyes were a bit creepy.
От взгляда этих серебристых глаз ему стало не по себе.
I took it as soon as I began to suspect what you were capable of.
Я взяла его, как стала подозревать, на что ты способен.
They had been playing billiards and were now drinking tea.
Они сыграли на биллиарде и стали пить чай.
You were not aware then that Dumbledore had left you anything?
Стало быть, вы не знали, что Дамблдор оставил вам кое-что?
His sisters were anxious for his having an estate of his own;
Его сестрам очень хотелось, чтобы он стал землевладельцем.
they had become blurred, shifting as though they were moving in and out of focus.
Они стали нечеткими, размытыми, словно бы не в фокусе.
The scales were hard as steel; it did not even seem to feel him.
Чешуя была тверже стали, дракон, кажется, его даже не почувствовал.
If that were the case I should despise and laugh at you.
Если бы так было, извините, князь, я бы над вами посмеялся и стал бы вас презирать.
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