Translation for "of the hazel" to russian
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James’s eyes were hazel, his nose was slightly longer than Harry’s and there was no scar on his forehead, but they had the same thin face, same mouth, same eyebrows;
Глаза у Джеймса были светло-карие, нос чуть длиннее, чем у Гарри, а на лбу не хватало шрама, но у обоих были одинаково тонкие черты лица, те же губы, те же брови;
It was evening, and the stars were glimmering in the eastern sky as they passed the ruined oak and turned and went on down the hill between the hazel-thickets.
Смеркалось, и впереди, на востоке, мерцали звезды, когда они проехали мимо разбитого молнией дуба и углубились в заросли орешника.
As quickly as they could they scrambled off the beaten way and up into the deep heather and bilberry brushwood on the slopes above, until they came to a small patch of thick-growing hazels. As they peered out from among the bushes, they could see the Road, faint and grey in the failing light, some thirty feet below them.
Стремглав бросились они вверх по склону, поросшему вереском и голубикой, и укрылись в густом орешнике, футов за тридцать от сумеречного, смутно-серого Тракта. Копыта стучали все ближе, цокали дробно и четко;
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