Translation examples
Emerging threats
:: возникающие угрозы.
Emerging challenges
Возникающие проблемы
"Something cannot emerge from nothing," he said.
«Ничто не возникает из ничего», – сказал он.
Little by little today's image of Dunechka began to emerge before him, and a sudden trembling ran down his body.
Мало-помалу давешний образ Дунечки стал возникать пред ним, и вдруг дрожь прошла по его телу.
They were emerging out of the darkness from every direction, gliding around the edges of the lake… They were moving away from where Harry stood, to the opposite bank… He wouldn’t have to get near them… Harry began to run. He had no thought in his head except his father… If it was him… if it really was him… he had to know, had to find out…
Они тут и там возникали из мрака, скользя вдоль кромки воды в другую от Гарри сторону. Ему даже не придется к ним приближаться… И Гарри побежал. Он думал сейчас об отце, только о нем. Вдруг все-таки это отец.
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