Translation for "tunnel-and" to italian
Translation examples
Would you like to allow tunnels and ferries?
- Permettere tunnel e traghetti?
You show me the tunnel, and I'll tell you.
- Mostrami il tunnel e te lo dirò.
- I was in the tunnel, and I saw you!
- Ero nel tunnel, e ti ho visto!
Drones can't search tunnels and caves.
I droni non entrano in tunnel e caverne.
I saw the tunnel and a white light.
Ho visto un tunnel e una luce bianca.
- Down that tunnel and turn right.
- Giù per il tunnel e poi giri a destra.
Damn it. We swept the tunnels and the secret room.
Cacchio, abbiamo perlustrato tunnel e stanza segreta.
Miles of tunnels and launch chambers.
Chilometri di tunnel e camere di rilascio.
- This tunnel and this light ...
- Ho visto il tunnel e una luce...
They knew about the tunnels and the vault.
Sanno dei tunnel e della camera blindata.
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