Translation for "them out" to italian
Translation examples
We've seen some of them out there, yes.
- Si', sono stati avvistati li' fuori.
There are six of them out there.
Sono in sei li' fuori.
Well, there are cars out there maybe we can check them out first.
Beh, ci sono delle auto li' fuori forse possiamo controllarle prima.
I don't want them out there any longer than they need to be.
Non li voglio li' fuori piu' del tempo necessario.
All of them out there, they're the ones that let you down.
La gente li' fuori, loro sono quelli che ti hanno delusa.
There are thousands of them out there, maybe tens of thousands.
Capirai Ce ne sono a migliaia li' fuori Forse decine di migliaia
You should have seen them out there.
Avresti dovuto vederli, li' fuori.
We fight them, out there. So no more secrets.
Combattiamo loro, li' fuori.
No, we can't take them out there!
- No, non possiamo portarli li' fuori!
We can't just leave them out there.
- Non possiamo lasciarli li' fuori!
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