Translation for "sympathetically" to italian
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Translation examples
(George) You're really sympathetic towards Andrea and his ideas.
( George ) Hai una particolare simpatia per Andrea e le sue idee.
They were sympathetic to celebrities who protected their privacy.
Avevano simpatia per le personalita' che difendevano la propria privacy.
Young enough to be sympathetic but old enough to be capable.
Abbastanza piccola per suscitare simpatia, ma abbastanza grande da essere utile.
[Scoffs] I've defended serial killers that were more sympathetic than you.
Ho difeso dei serial killer che ispiravano piu' simpatia di te.
And you know they are not exactly sympathetic to my people.
E sapete bene che non hanno in simpatia la gente come me.
And then a sympathetic mouth, and then a sympathetic...
E hai anche una bocca comprensiva, ed è comprensivo anche...
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