Translation for "staunches" to italian
Translation examples
She hoped to staunch the blood flow even as she ran for her life.
Sperava di tamponare il flusso sanguigno persino mentre scappava per salvarsi la vita.
Could help staunch blood flow, like it's doing for that guy, who, save for the bullet, has the exact same wound.
Potrebbe aiutare ad arrestare l'emorragia. Come fa per quello li', che, tranne per il proiettile, ha la stessa identica ferita.
As soon as the balloons are inflated, we'll know whether the pressure they're placing on the vessels is enough to staunch the bleeding.
Non appena le sacche si saranno gonfiate, sapremo se la pressione fatta sui vasi, sara' abbastanza per arrestare l'emorragia.
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