Translation for "microburst" to italian
Translation examples
Yeah, but had there been no microburst, there would've been no tent pole, no V-fib. We wouldn't have had to crack your chest, and we wouldn't have found this.
Si', ma senza raffiche discendenti non ci sarebbe stato nessun palo del gazebo, nessuna fibrillazione, non le avremmo aperto il petto e non l'avremmo trovato.
Those were just downdrafts and microbursts.
Queste erano solo raffiche e microvortici.
This freak weather phenomenon, known as a microburst, is short-lasting, isolated, but can pack winds of over 100 miles per hour.
Questo strano fenomeno meteorologico, conosciuto come raffica discendente, e' breve, isolato, ma puo' includere venti fino a 160 chilometri orari.
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