Translation for "little tour" to italian
Little tour
Translation examples
I wanna take her on a little tour.
Voglio farle fare un piccolo tour.
And here's to the poor unsuspecting town of Lothringham, next stop on our little tour of the Midlands.
Alla povera ignara citta' di Lothringham, prossima fermata del nostro piccolo tour delle Terre Centrali.
Very excited to have you here. We'd love to give -- give you a little tour.
Vogliamo fare un piccolo tour degli uffici?
Here's how it goes, you forget that you ever saw me or I tell your boss that you took me on a little tour of his closet full of guns and goodies.
Ecco come deve andare: dimenticati di avermi mai visto o diro' al tuo capo che mi hai fatto fare un piccolo tour di questo stanzino pieno di armi e beni.
Deacon was just telling me about your little... tour.
Proprio adesso Deacon mi stava raccontando del vostro piccolo... tour.
You know, we have our own little tour to worry about here, so I'm taking off tomorrow morning.
Sai, abbiamo anche... il nostro piccolo tour a cui pensare, percio'... domattina parto.
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