Translation for "frontotemporal" to italian
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Withdrawn. Dr. Chance, does a person with frontotemporal dementia know the difference between right and wrong?
Dottor Chance, una persona con demenza frontotemporale riconosce la differenza tra giusto e sbagliato?
For many years, frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's were confused, but frontotemporal dementia is a separate disease.
Per molti anni, la demenza frontotemporale e l'Alzheimer sono state confuse, ma la demenza frontotemporale e' una diversa malattia.
Occipital and frontotemporal regions were also...
Anche le regioni occipitale e frontotemporale erano...
Does the prosecution have any questions for the witness? Does frontotemporal dementia diminish intellectual capacity, or moral clarity?
La demenza frontotemporale diminuisce la capacita' intellettuale... o... la lucidita' morale?
They're concentrated in the left frontotemporal lobe.
Sono concentrate nel lobo frontotemporale sinistro.
Frontotemporal dementia robbed him of that capacity.
La demenza frontotemporale lo ha privato di quella capacita'.
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