Translation for "durably" to italian
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Translation examples
This armor does not appear as durable as we thought.
Quest'armatura non e' stata poi tanto durevole quanto pensavamo.
The weapons in that room are surprisingly flexible, durable and deadly.
Le armi ligoniane sono sorprendentemente flessibili, durevoli e micidiali.
Yeah um, in fashion, durable and elegant rarely go hand in hand.
- Si'. Nella moda, durevole ed elegante raramente vanno a braccetto.
I want something more solid and durable, my own way.
Voglio qualcosa di piu' solido, piu' durevole, voglio la mia strada.
I'll make my ideal shoes: comfortable, durable, yet stylish.
Io farò scarpe buone: comodi da portare, alla moda, duraturi.
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