Translation for "disturbed" to italian
Translation examples
Daniel's disturbed.
Daniel e'... Disturbato.
We have disturbed her.
L'abbiamo disturbata.
They disturbed something.
Devono averlo disturbato.
You've disturbed us.
Ci avete disturbati.
He's emotionally disturbed.
E ' emotivamente disturbato.
Disturbed and emotional.
Disturbata e sentimentale.
- l disturbed you?
-vi ho disturbato?
You know, it was disturbing.
Sa, mi ha turbato.
Something must have disturbed him.
Qualcosa deve averlo turbato.
She's very disturbed right now
E' molto turbata adesso
-You seem disturbed, Princess.
-Sembra turbata, Principessa.
It disturbed her greatly.
L'ha profondamente turbata.
I'm profoundly disturbed.
Sono profondamente turbata.
...Mili was very disturbed.
..Mili era molto turbata.
I think he's disturbed or something.
Penso sia turbato.
She was very disturbed.
Era molto turbata.
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