Translation for "batiks" to italian
Translation examples
What, the pumpkin pillow with the batik border?
- Il cuscino color zucca col bordo in batik?
Before you wear the batik, don't forget the tapi, you must wear as your undergarment.
Ehi, Cathy... Ora ricorda, prima di indossare il batik...
It's all batiks and carved giraffes and pottery.
Sono tutte piene di batik e giraffe intagliate e... Ceramiche.
plaid or batik?
Quadri o batik?
Number 26,your word is "batik."
Numero z6... la parola è batik.
I've got batik, butterflies... batik butterflies or plain blue.
Ce l'ho batik, con le farfalle, batik con le farfalle o tutta blu.
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