Translation for "and preserved" to italian
Translation examples
Documented and preserved to the best of my ability.
Documentati e conservati al meglio delle mie abilita'.
Franklin prepared and preserved a body.
Franklin ha preparato e conservato... - un corpo.
I figured she'd wanna be pumped full of chemicals and preserved.
Credevo volesse essere riempita di composti chimici e conservata.
They were sealed and preserved.
Si sono sigillati e conservati.
The way the body was positioned and preserved, it seems almost religious.
Il corpo è stato posizionato e conservato in modo quasi religioso.
Excavations have revealed the fossilised remains of animals trapped in these layers and preserved in extraordinary detail.
Gli scavi hanno rivelato i resti fossili di animali intrappolati in questi strati e conservati con dettagli straordinari.
Each moment of our lives was documented, decorated, and preserved forever in one of her many creepy scrapbooks.
Ogni momento della nostra vita e' stato documentato, decorato e conservato per sempre in uno dei suoi tanti e inquietanti album dei ricordi
It's been plastinated and preserved.
E' stata plastinata e conservata.
All the stories will be collected and preserved In a living video diary.
Tutte le storie saranno raccolte e conservate, in un video diario.
Subject was removed from her grave and preserved through refrigeration.
Il soggetto e' stato rimosso dalla tomba... e conservato tramite refrigerazione.
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