Translation for "pleadding" to german
Translation examples
The tone was pleading.
Sein Ton klang flehend.
His eyes were pleading.
Sein Blick war flehend.
His tone wasn't pleading.
Sein Tonfall war nicht flehend.
His voice was pleading.
Seine Stimme klang nun flehend.
This wasn’t confusion or pleading.
Er klang nicht verwirrt oder flehend.
I give him a pleading look.
Ich sehe ihn flehend an.
His voice took on a pleading quality.
In seiner Stimme war etwas Flehendes.
'What?' The eyes pleaded with him. 'What?'
»Was?« Flehend blickte sie ihn an. »Was?«
‘I was frightened,’ he pleaded.
»Ich hatte Angst«, antwortete er flehend.
/Charlie?/ he whispered, pleading.
/Charlie?/, flüsterte er flehend.
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