Translation for "were brave" to french
Translation examples
God knows they were brave, Jimmy.
Dieu sait qu'ils étaient courageux, Jimmy.
The ones who were brave and fearless!
Celles qui étaient courageuses et sans peur !
Ruth and Idgie were brave, not me.
Ruth et Idgie étaient braves, pas moi.
Uh, the Germans were brave, too.
Les Allemands étaient braves aussi.
It is the word of God, but it was written when armies were brave men riding into battles against other brave men, looking each other in the eye until death came to whomever was weaker.
C'est la parole de Dieu, mais Il a été écrit quand les armées étaient braves, et combattaient d'autres braves les yeux dans les yeux jusqu'à ce que la mort emporte le plus faible.
All my men were brave warriors.
Tous mes soldats étaient braves
So, they were brave.
Ils étaient braves. J'étais fier.
The men you sent to kill Angelus were brave.
Les hommes devant tuer Angelus étaient braves.
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