Translation for "pitifully" to french
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And pitifully horny.
Et pitoyablement excité.
Wife is a dead bitch who died so pitifully...
Sa femme est une conne qui est morte si pitoyablement
Don't know anyone who's suffered like me, so pitifully, - You were never here, you swine.
Je ne connais personne qui ait eu un sort comme le mien, aussi pitoyable, aussi misérable.
So why is she living so pitifully?
Je sais. Pourquoi vit-elle une vie si pitoyable ?
You are pitifully stupid.
Vous êtes pitoyablement stupide.
Gratiot Prison is full of rebels, and they are left to waste away so pitifully.
- "La prison est pleine de rebelles, laissés pitoyablement à l' abandon.
A little after midnight, the old caretaker was awakened by a terrible sound. Whimpering pitifully.
Peu après minuit... le vieux concierge fut réveillé par un bruit terrible... gémissant, pitoyablement.
Ah, they very helpfully inform their readers... that I was "so pitifully embarrassed as to be very nearly tongue-tied."
que j'étais "si pitoyablement gêné "que je me suis presque rendu muet."
Pitifully plump -- I was ridiculed.
Pitoyablement dodu... J'étais ridicule.
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