Translation examples
And although he never fully recovered, his greatest achievements still lay ahead.
Et même s'il ne guérit jamais complètement, sa plus grande réussite était encore à venir.
No, Jeremy, but at least I would have known what lay ahead of me.
J'aurais su ce qui m'attendait.
By and large, the town, not knowing it was dead would go off to their jobs with no inkling of what lay ahead.
La ville, ignorant qu'elle était morte, se rendait au travail sans se douter de ce qui l'attendait.
I didn't know what lay ahead for me, But I knew that I would never have to face it alone.
J'ignorais ce qui m'attendait, mais je savais que je ne l'affronterais jamais seul.
But imagine what a young Caesar might have done differently had someone given him a hint of what lay ahead, or if Lincoln had been coerced into changing his theatre plans!
Imaginez ce qu'un jeune César aurait pu faire de différent si on lui avait révélé ce qui l'attendait, ou si Lincoln avait dû changer son plan de campagne !
I knew what kind of life lay ahead of you, and I didn't want you to be soft like your brother.
{\pos(192,240)}Je savais la vie qui t'attendait, et je voulais pas que tu sois faible comme ton frère.
However, nothing could prepare me for the adventure that lay ahead, or the extraordinary individual who would change my life.
Pourtant, rien ne me laissait présager l'étonnante aventure qui m'attendait, ni l'extraordinaire rencontre qui allait changer ma vie.
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