Translation for "is extinguish" to french
Translation examples
Its effect is to extinguish the right or claim in question;
Elle a pour effet d'éteindre le droit ou la prétention en question;
(b) Extinguish all unprotected lights;
b) Éteindre toute source de lumière non protégée;
What do you do, apart from extinguishing the fire?
Que faites-vous à part éteindre l'incendie ?
In all such cases, criminal liability was considered extinguished.
Tous ces cas sont réputés éteindre la responsabilité pénale.
UNISFA troops assisted in extinguishing the fire.
Les soldats de la FISNUA ont aidé à éteindre l'incendie.
Civil defence personnel extinguished the fire.
La défense civile libanaise est intervenue pour éteindre l'incendie.
In case of fire: Use ... to extinguish
En cas d'incendie, utiliser ... pour éteindre
Native title is [...] susceptible to extinguishment".
Les titres autochtones sont susceptibles de s'éteindre. >>
Chapter V.4, first paragraph, add "fire" before "extinguisher" in the English version.
Chapitre V.4, premier paragraphe, ajouter dans la version anglaise <<fire>> devant <<extinguishers>>.
Chapter V.4.2, first paragraph, add "fire" before "extinguishers" in the English version.
Chapitre V.4.2, premier paragraphe, ajouter dans la version anglaise <<fire>> devant <<extinguishers>>. Transport units equipped with fire extinguishers in accordance with the provisions of 8.1.4 applicable until 31 December 2002 may continue to be used may still be used until 31 December 2007.
Transport units equipped with fire extinguishers in accordance with the provisions of 8.1.4 applicable until 31 December 2002 may continue to be used may still be used until 31 December 2007.
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