Translation for "i had left" to french
Translation examples
The corner of the sheet... was just as I had left it.
Le coin de la couverture était resté comme je l'avais laissé.
- You see, if I had left you run ...
- Tu vois, si je t'avais laissée courir...
It's all I had left with Riley.
Il est tout ce que je l'avais laissé avec Riley.
On my return... I was surprised to find our life was still there... just as I had left it... but it was about to change.
À mon retour, j'ai été surpris de retrouver notre vie... telle que je l'avais laissée.
If I had left there, They would have cut the breasts and you would have to eat.
Si je t'avais laissée là-bas, ils t'auraient coupé les seins et te les auraient fait bouffer.
If I had left him, dying of hunger... who knows what would have happened to him?
Si je l'avais laissé, mourant de faim... qui peut dire ce qui lui serait arrivé ?
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