Translation for "difficulty of" to french
Translation examples
Difficulties with payment
Difficultés de paiement
- difficulties encountered
les difficultés rencontrées
1150. The progress and difficulties have been apparent throughout the report; the difficulties are abundant.
1150. Les progrès et les difficultés ressortent de tout le rapport, et les difficultés abondent.
The major disability was difficulty in learning, followed by difficulty with speech and hearing.
Le principal cause de handicap était la difficulté d'apprentissage, suivie de la difficulté de langage et d'audition.
Not to mention the difficulty of re-entering the Earth's atmosphere.
Sans mentionner la difficulté de revenir dans l'atmosphère terrestre.
The difficulties of reverse engineering Stolen technology.
Les difficultés de la rétro-ingénierie sur de la technologie volée.
Second, she certainly needs to appreciate the difficulty of her case.
Ensuite, elle apprécie certainement de connaître la difficulté de son affaire.
They do not realise the difficulties of my office.
Ils ne comprennent pas l'immense difficulté de ma tâche.
He stops by, complains about the difficulties of juggling his women.
Il vient, se plaint des difficultés de jongler entre ces femmes.
And given the difficulties of my... business... a divorce may prove problematic.
Étant donné les difficultés de mes... affaires. Un divorce pourrait être problématique.
I am well aware of the difficulties of the task.
Je suis au courant des difficultés de la tâche.
I know the difficulty of our undertaking.
Je connais la difficulté de ce que nous entreprenons.
The difficulty of the walk is inherent in walking.
La difficulté de la marche, c'est marcher. - Mais ?
The difficulty of readjustment or possibly...
- Difficultés de réadaptation ou...
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