Translation for "coastalization" to french
Translation examples
The Coastal Party (Kystpartiet)
Parti du littoral (Kystpartiet)
Coastal development
Développement du littoral
Ministry of the Coastal Region
Ministère du littoral
Coastal and marine resources.
• Ressources littorales et maritimes.
:: Coastal development and tourism
:: Développement du littoral et tourisme;
2. Coastal area
2. Littoral :
(d) Coastal erosion;
d) L'érosion du littoral;
To view coastal erosion?
Pour photographier le littoral? !
Oh, sorry to keep you waiting, David. We ran into some coastal commission bullshit.
Une commission du littoral ennuyeuse.
The Wadden Sea, as the coastal mudflats are known.
Les vasières du littoral ou "mer des Wadden"
We'd like to preserve the coastal integrity of White Pine Bay.
Nous aimerions préserver l'intégrité du littoral de White Pine Bay.
Coastal Agency, hello.
Agence du Littoral. Bonjour.
Now, if your ranch was on the coastal plane, now, that'd be different.
Si votre ranch était situé sur le littoral, ça serait différent.
Taking satellite pictures of coastal erosion in the Baltic Sea.
Prendre des photos par satellite de l'érosion littorale de la Baltique.
The coastal areas of New Penzance were battered and changed forever.
Le littoral de New Penzance fut ravagé, transformé à jamais.
Two were going to San Diego Coastal University, one was going to San Diego Tech.
Deux allaient à San Diego Université du littoral, une allait à San Diego Tech.
Coastal erosion in the Baltic Sea.
Erosion littorale sur la Baltique!
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