Translation for "afraid of becoming" to french
Afraid of becoming
Translation examples
She's the one I'm always afraid of becoming.
C'est celle que j'ai toujours peur de devenir.
And you're afraid of becoming a thief or a drunk?
Avez-vous peur de devenir un voleur ou un ivrogne?
All my life I've been afraid of becoming like him.
Toute ma vie j'ai eu peur de devenir comme lui.
It wasn't that I was afraid of becoming an animal.
Non pas que j'avais peur de devenir un animal, ce qui ne doit pas être si affreux.
Oh, he's probably just afraid of becoming a fuddy-duddy like his old man.
Il a sûrement peur de devenir un vieux croûton comme son père.
I'm afraid of becoming someone bad.
J'ai peur de devenir mauvais.
Erin, you're not just afraid of becoming a parent.
Erin, tu n'as pas seulement peur de devenir un parent.
I was so afraid of becoming my dad.
J'ai toujours eu peur de devenir mon père.
Why were you so afraid of becoming an individual?
Pourquoi aviez-vous si peur de devenir un individu ?
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