Translation for "were compared to" to finnish
Were compared to
Translation examples
The responses were compared to distributions from 2017, 2016 and 2015.
Tuloksia verrattiin vuosien 2017, 2016 ja 2015 jakaumiin.
The results were compared to a matched cohort of persons without Alzheimer’s disease.
Tuloksia verrattiin henkilöihin, jotka eivät sairastaneet Alzheimerin tautia.
The results were compared to those obtained with traditional chippers in similar conditions.
Tuloksia verrattiin perinteisillä hakkureilla saatuihin arvoihin vastaavissa olosuhteissa.
-Fixed KMS Server Service Installer arithmetic overflow by changing the way Service Handles were compared to NULL
-Kiinteä KMS Server Service Installer aritmeettinen ylivuoto muuttamalla tapaa Service kahvat verrattiin NULL
The results were compared to the previous validation and it was found out that the method still works as intended.
Tuloksia verrattiin aikaisempaan validointiin ja havaittiin, että menetelmä toimii edelleen tarkoituksenmukaisesti.
Energy consumption and the temperatures measured were compared to different factors. Based on the results it was considered which solution is more energy-saving and better in terms of the quality of products.
Energiankulutusta ja mitattuja lämpötiloja verrattiin
The findings were compared to persons not diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease who were matched based on age and gender.
Tuloksia verrattiin iän ja sukupuolen suhteen kaltaistettuihin henkilöihin, joilla ei ollut Alzheimerin tautia.
Product tests were carried out in genuine user situations and the results of the research were compared to the results of blood tests that were carried out in the laboratory.
Tuotetestit tehtiin todellisessa käyttötilanteessa ja tutkimuksessa tuloksia verrattiin laboratoriossa tehtyjen veritestien tuloksiin.
The results were compared to the cellular fatty acid composition (FAME) and to a special mixture which was prepared from three analyzed strains.
Näytteet metyloitiin ja analysoitiin kaasukromatografilla. Tuloksia verrattiin kokosolun rasvahappo (FAME) menetelmällä tehtyihin rasvahappoprofiileihin ja kolmesta kannasta tehtyyn seokseen.
The results were compared to those obtained for the multidrug resistance associated protein 2 (MRP2, ABCC2), which is also implicated in drug transport.
Näitä tuloksia verrattiin monilääkeresistenssiin liittyvän proteiinin 2 (engl. multidrug resistance associated protein 2, MRP2) tutkimuksissa saatuihin tuloksiin. Myös MRP2 osallistuu joidenkin lääkeaineiden kuljetukseen elimistössä.
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