Translation for "i took care of" to finnish
Translation examples
Through my career I took care of my managing business myself: competition contracts, traveling arrangements, camps and cooperation agreements.
Hoidin koko urani ajan manageriasiani itse: kilpailusopimukset, matkajärjestelyt, leirit ja yhteistyösopimukset.
I took care of to lose a bit in my very early twenties but it didn’t take lengthy to regain, so I just thought I’m indicated to be big.
Hoidin menettää hieman minun hyvin varhain kaksikymppisenä, mutta se ei ole ottanut pitkiä takaisin, joten ajattelin vain olen ilmoittanut olla iso.
In other words, I took care of everything from A to Z with the band's henchman Matthew Mawby. I got acquainted with the band through the Afterhours club. Toni of Suruaika I got to know from the Electric Pleasures vs. Frantic Club in 1998, where I was playing live.
Toimin Suruajan albumilla tuottajana, eli hoidin kaiken alusta loppuun bändin nokkamiehen Matthew Mawbyn kanssa. Tutustuin bändiin Afterhours-klubin kautta; Suruajan Toniin taas olin tutustunut 1998 järjestettyjen Electric Pleasures vs. F
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