Traduzione per "ven a bailar" a inglese
Ven a bailar
Esempi di traduzione.
come to dance
Tu, la que se parece a Andy Griffith ven a bailar aquí.
Tu, which resembles Andy Griffith come to dance here? .
De todos modos, ven a bailar esta noche.
Still, come and dance tonight.
¡Ven a bailar conmigo!
“I want you to come and dance with me.”
Ven a bailar -añadió abruptamente hacia Hermione.
Come and dance,” he added abruptly to Hermione.
Ven a bailar conmigo, como hacemos en San Juan.
Come and dance with me, like we do at midsummer.
—Pobre Johnny —dijo con sorna la duquesa—. De todos modos, ven a bailar esta noche.
“Poor John­ny,” the Duchess said mock­ing­ly. “Still, come and dance tonight.
Ven a bailar, Milly —dijo el capitán Segura—, y demuéstrame que me has perdonado. —No quiero bailar.
       'Come and dance, Milly,' Captain Segura said, 'and show that I am forgiven.'        'I don't want to dance.'
– ¡No se te ocurren más que conversaciones tristes! -dije, frívolo-. ¡Termínala, ven a bailar! No me entendió.
"You can never talk about anything that isn't sad!" I said, frivolously. "Stop it. Come and dance!" She didn't understand me.
Hermosas muchachas con flores trenzadas en el pelo, sujetas a la cintura y al cuello, con pezuñas en lugar de pies; guapos niños en harapos de ojos febriles que extendían las manos mientras daban vueltas. —Ven a bailar —la llamaron—.
Beautiful girls with flowers wound through their hair, tied around their waists and throats, whose feet were hooves: pretty boys in ragged clothes with fever-bright eyes who held out their hands as they spun by. “Come and dance,” they called.
Ven a bailar conmigo —le pidió él.
Come dance with me,” he said.
Ven a bailar y cantar con tu pueblo.
Come, dance with your people. Sing with them.
Ven a bailar otra vez -invitó-. Este es divertido.
Come dance again,” he said. “This one is fun.”
Ven a bailar con nosotros, mensajero”, dijo el tercero, hablando por primera vez.
Come dance with us, messenger,” said the third, speaking for the first time.
Su madre daba unas vueltas a la llave y le decía: «Anda, niño, ven a bailar conmigo».
She would wind the key and say, “Come dance with me, child.”
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