Traduzione per "temblorosa mano" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Con su temblorosa mano me entregó una efigie
With a trembling hand she gave me a painted miniature
Introdujo su temblorosa mano en la de él.
She slipped her trembling hand in his.
El receptor cayó de su temblorosa mano.
The receiver fell from her trembling hand.
Su temblorosa mano levantó la sábana.
Her trembling hand flicked back the sheet.
Ahora lo tenía suelto al fin en su temblorosa mano.
Now it was free in her trembling hand.
Cogí el despacho de la temblorosa mano del capitán.
I snatched the despatch from the captain’s trembling hand.
El doctor se pasó una temblorosa mano por los ojos.
The doctor passed his trembling hand over his eyes.
Su temblorosa mano apenas pudo colgar el receptor.
Her trembling hand could barely hang up the telephone.
Estiró una temblorosa mano al frente y empujó suavemente la puerta.
She reached a trembling hand forward and pushed gently on the door.
Deme el billete —le ordenó Morris, extendiendo una temblorosa mano.
"Give it here the dollar," Morris ordered, extending his trembling hand.
Y deberías haber visto su temblorosa mano agarrar la pluma... y como firmó la Constitución.
And you should have seen his shaking hand gripping the pen as he signed the Constitution.
Los señaló con una temblorosa mano—.
He pointed at them with a shaking hand.
Se llevó una temblorosa mano a la frente.
He pressed a shaking hand against his forehead.
—Kane se llevó una temblorosa mano a la frente—.
Kane put a shaking hand to his forehead.
Stannall se tapó la cara un momento con una temblorosa mano.
Stannall covered his face for a moment, with a shaking hand.
Una temblorosa mano exploró el rostro, un rostro macilento, cansado.
A shaking hand explored the face, a wan face, tired.
Bill señaló con temblorosa mano hacia la colina de Olsen.
He pointed with shaking hand toward Olsen’s hill.
—balbuceó agarrándose al respaldo de la silla con una temblorosa mano.
he uttered, grasping the back of his chair with one shaking hand.
Ruth levantó una temblorosa mano que inmediatamente él encerró entre las suyas.
Ruth lifted a shaking hand, which he instantly inclosed in his.
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