Traduzione per "tíralos" a inglese
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Esempi di traduzione.
—Entonces, tíralos.
Then throw them away.
Tíralas al puerto, lo que sea.
Throw them into the harbour. Anything.
Tíralos donde quieras.
Throw them anywhere you want.
La verdad es que son asquerosas. –Tíralas.
'They taste really bad.' 'Throw them away.'
Llévatelos, y tíralos a la basura.
Just take them with you, and throw them all away.
«¡Tíralas!», me ordenó mi madre.
Throw them away!” my mother had commanded me.
Tíralo todo encima de una manta y ata las puntas.
Just throw them in a blanket and tie up the ends.
Abre la puerta y tíralos al centro del callejón.
“Open the door, throw them out to the middle of the alley.”
Trae el cubo, tíralos y empieza de nuevo.
Get the bin, throw them away and start again.
Confisca ese equipamiento o tíralo de la puta nave.
Confiscate their gear or throw them off the damn ship.
«¡Por favor, tíralas todas!», me rogó.
‘Oh, please, just throw them away!’ he begged me.
Además, aún tengo dos folletos en el bolso, de modo que aunque usted arroje el suyo… —Tíralos también.
Anyhow, I have two tracts in my purse, so it wouldn’t make any difference.’ ‘Throw them away.’
Naturalmente, con los ojos cerrados el flash le habría parecido débil y lejano, tan incompleto como un rayo de calor, tal como Wallingford lo recordaba. – Tíralas, por favor -le pidió la señora Clausen-.
And with his eyes shut, natural y the flash would have struck him as faint and distant, as incomplete as heat lightning—just the way Wal ingford remembered it. “Please throw them away,” Mrs. Clausen asked.
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