Traduzione per "no transferible" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
96. Las RCE [no] son transferibles.
The CERs are [not] transferable.
11. En la actualidad, tanto los títulos transferibles como los documentos transferibles existen normalmente como documentos sobre papel (y ambas categorías se denominan "documentos de papel transferibles").
Today, both transferable instruments and transferable documents typically exist as paper documents (jointly referred to as "transferable paper").
Las penas no son transferibles.
The penalties are not transferable.
Documentos electrónicos transferibles
Electronic transferable records
109. [Las RCE no son transferibles.]
109. [The CERs are not transferable.]
Esas licencias no son transferibles.
Such leave is not transferable.
que evidentemente era transferible, fuera lo que fuese lo que su madre había tenido.
that evidently it was transferable. I mean, whatever it was her mother had had.
—Todavía poseo aquel arrendamiento no transferible.
I still have that non-transferable lease.
ella había confiado a mi custodia todo lo que era transferible de su pasado.
she had given all that was transferable of her past into my keeping.
Todos los elementos energéticos son, esencialmente, modulares y, en consecuencia, transferibles de uno de nosotros a otro.
All the power elements are essentially modular and therefore transferable from one of us to another.
Hoving estuvo de acuerdo, pero Kandell argumentó que esa opción le pertenecía a Tiffany’s y no era transferible.
However, Kandell said that since the option belonged to Tiffany’s, it would not be transferable.
Al matar a los animales más viejos, eliminamos su reserva de experiencia y sabiduría transferible.
By shooting the older animals, we wiped out their reservoir of experience and transferable wisdom.
Decidme: ¿son transferibles tales poderes? ¿Se pueden compartir? —Sí, puede hacerse —respondió ella—.
Then: “Tell me, is such power transferable? Can it be shared?” “Why, yes,” she answered. “It could be done.
Los genes del prión PrPSc insertados en esta levadura transgénica de laboratorio resultan fácilmente transferibles a otra levadura.
The PrPSc prion genes inserted into this transgenic laboratory yeast are easily transferred to other yeast.
Aparentemente esos acontecimientos son consecuencia de la insatisfacción con el sistema de voto único no transferible empleado en las elecciones de 2005, que dio como resultado un Parlamento fragmentado en el que dominan los líderes a título individual.
12. These developments appear to reflect dissatisfaction with the single nontransferable vote system employed in the 2005 elections, which resulted in a fragmented Parliament where individual leaders are dominant.
Es un derecho individual del padre y la madre a una licencia de seis meses de jornada completa o de 12 meses de media jornada, no transferible y con garantía de empleo a la terminación de la licencia.
This is the individual, nontransferable right of both the father and the mother to six months' fulltime leave or 12 months' halftime leave, with a guarantee of employment at the end of the leave period.
Dice que su delegación no se opone a la esencia de la sugerencia; no obstante, todo texto adicional del párrafo 41 debería ser coherente con el del párrafo 52, dado que este último párrafo establece que el consentimiento del licenciante sólo es necesario si en el acuerdo de licencia se dispone que los derechos de un licenciatario no son transferibles sin el consentimiento del licenciante.
He said that his delegation did not object to the substance of the suggestion; however, any additional language in paragraph 41 should correspond to paragraph 52, in that the latter paragraph stated that the licensor's consent was necessary only if the licence agreement provided that the rights of a licensee were nontransferable without the consent of the licensor.
Según el Estado Parte, la autora de la comunicación pretende que el Comité revise la decisión de fondo adoptada previamente por otro órgano internacional, y que declare que el "derecho a morir dignamente" o "el auxilio al suicidio sin trascendencia penal" que solicitó antes de fallecer voluntariamente el Sr. Sampedro, no es un derecho personalísimo, ni transferible, en contra de lo decidido por el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos.
4.2 According to the State party, the author of the communication wishes the Committee to review the decision on the merits previously adopted by another international body, and to find, contrary to the decision of the European Court of Human Rights, that "the right to die with dignity" or "assisted suicide without criminal repercussions" requested by Mr. Sampedro before his voluntary death is not an eminently personal or nontransferable right.
Su deseo no era transferible.
Her desires were nontransferable.
Si quieres construir un activo de marketing, deberás invertir en conexión con el cliente y en otras características no transferibles.
If you want to build a marketing asset, you need to invest in connection and other nontransferable properties.
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