Traduzione per "la violencia usada" a inglese
La violencia usada
Esempi di traduzione.
the violence used
Sus informes sobre lo que había visto de la escalada de resistencia que estaban llevando a cabo los negros que pasaban hambre en los bantustanes, de la violencia usada por la policía contra los habitantes de las zonas rurales, de la amarga y letal miseria que ello causaba entre los cabecillas pagados por el Gobierno y los desesperados aldeanos, Hillela le vio romper esos informes (rechazados por los periódicos) en un acceso de furia y echarlos al gran contenedor de basuras que servía a la vez a la casa principal y a la casita que ocupaban.
His reports of what he had seen of the scale of resistance coming from blacks pushed back to starve in the Bantustans, of the violence used by the police against rural people, of the sour and lethal misery this caused between government-paid headmen and desperate villagers—she watched him tear up these reports (rejected by his editors) in a tantrum and throw them into the big bin that served the main house as well as the cottage. She had once cast certain papers in other people’s dirt, like that.
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