Traduzione per "ellos vigilaban" a inglese
Ellos vigilaban
Esempi di traduzione.
Allí los servicios sociales me vigilaban tan de cerca que ya no me atrevía a hacer nada.
I was so closely watched by the social services that I did not dare do anything.
A principios de diciembre de 2001 vigilaban a dos ucranios que estaban tratando de comprar diamantes, pero esas negociaciones terminaron abruptamente.
Early in December 2001 they watched two Ukrainians who were involved in efforts to buy diamonds, but those negotiations were abruptly ended.
Finalmente, Reporteros sin Fronteras reveló que los servicios de seguridad amenazaban y vigilaban a Deyda Hydara incluso pocos minutos antes de que le mataran, a pocos centenares de metros de un cuartel de policía.
Reporters Without Borders said Hydara had been threatened and was being watched by these agents just minutes before he was killed a few hundred metres from a police barracks.
Después de esos acontecimientos, el autor advirtió que los servicios de seguridad vigilaban su domicilioEn el curso de la entrevista con la Comisión de Apelación, el autor declaró que había personas en la vecindad que no pertenecían a ella y concluyó que se trataba de agentes del servicio de seguridad.
After those events, the author realized that the security service was watching his houseDuring the interview with the ODR, the author stated that there were men in the neighbourhood who did not belong there and that he concluded that they were from the security service.
Los guardias que vigilaban a la población utilizaban látigos como medio de control y humillación.
The victim population was watched over by guards who used the whips they carried to control and humiliate them.
El 31 de mayo, alrededor de la una de la mañana, cuatro hombres allanaron y registraron la vivienda de Chantal Bien-Aimé, mientras seis hombres fuertemente armados vigilaban afuera.
On 31 May, at about 1 a.m., four men entered Chantal Bien-Aimé's home and searched it while six heavily armed men kept watch outside.
67. Defensores de los derechos humanos han estado sujetos a vigilancia constante; han sido seguidos en sus desplazamientos por policías de paisano, o por hombres armados en automóviles que vigilaban sus hogares y sus lugares de trabajo; sus teléfonos han sido intervenidos, su correspondencia abierta y sus nombres incluidos en listas de los servicios de seguridad después de participar en reuniones, talleres o conferencias.
67. Defenders have continued to face constant surveillance, including being followed by plainclothes officers, having armed men in cars watching their homes and offices, and having their phones tapped, their correspondence opened and their names put on intelligence lists after participating in meetings, workshops or conferences.
La pareja se ocupó del comercio, pero la autora observó que personas de civil los vigilaban.
The couple took care of the business, but the wife noticed that certain individuals, dressed in plain clothes, were watching them.
Agregó que inspectores vestidos de civil vigilaban a los funcionarios de las fuerzas de orden asignados a la campaña contra la corrupción social; una ley en vigor desde comienzos del decenio de 1980 establece el tipo de vestimenta que pueden llevar los iraníes, así como la cantidad de maquillaje que se permite a las mujeres, sobre la base de las prácticas religiosas y sociales de la mayoría musulmana de la República Islámica del Irán.
He added that inspectors in plain clothes were keeping a watch on the law enforcement personnel assigned to carry out the campaign against social corruption; a law in effect since the early 1980s defined the type of clothes Iranians could wear, as well as the amount of make-up women could wear, based on the religious and social practices of the Muslim majority of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Ellos vigilaban cada fuga de información relevante y veían como la U-EX me la metía doblada
They watched her leak anything relevant and watched U-EX take the piss out of me.
Otros también vigilaban.
Others were watching as well.
Esperaban y vigilaban.
They waited and watched.
No, no vigilaban al periodista.
No, they were not watching the reporter.
—Siempre me vigilaban.
I was always watched.
Todos se vigilaban a su vez.
They watched one another.
—Los Vista te vigilaban.
“Vista was watching you.”
Vigilaban sus dedos.
They watched her fingers.
¿Acaso no le vigilaban?
Was Kuperus being watched?
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