Traduzione per "despreciarse" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Le daban ganas de despreciarse por ello. ¿Qué era?
He was ready to despise himself for it. What was it?
Pero usted… usted tiene que despreciarse demasiado.
But you-you must despise yourself very much.
Era indudable: Billy empezaba a despreciarse a sí mismo;
There was no question about it, Billy was beginning to despise himself;
Para una mujer desdeñada por su marido es un peligro despreciarse.
For a woman neglected by her husband is in danger of despising herself.
A continuación la embargaba una vergüenza lacerante, que la hacía despreciarse.
This followed by a scorching shame in which she despised herself.
Si todos son semejantes, ¿cómo salen de su camino para despreciarse unos a otros?
If they’re all alike, why do they go out of their way to despise each other?
tenía una buena opinión de mí misma. Aprender a despreciarse una misma. VI
I thought very well of myself. Learning to despise one's self VI
—Cómo debe despreciarse usted a sí mismo —dije al doctor Fischer.
‘How you must despise yourself,’ I said to Doctor Fischer.
Pueden despreciarse entre sí, pero tienen un odio común que funciona a las mil maravillas para ti.
They may despise each other, but they've got a common hate that works out fine for you.
ni siquiera conseguía despreciarse demasiado, de lo absoluta que era su sensación de futilidad.
he could not even manage to despise himself much, so thoroughgoing was his sense of futility.
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