Traduzione per "debate interno" a inglese
Debate interno
Esempi di traduzione.
Tras un largo debate interno, Israel ha optado por apoyar una solución biestatal.
After a long internal debate, Israel has chosen to support the two-State solution.
A fines de agosto, y siguiendo un largo y lento debate interno, el Ejército Republicano Irlandés tomó una decisión a favor de que cesaran completamente las operaciones militares.
At the end of August, following a protracted internal debate, the IRA decided in favour of a complete cessation of military operations.
Otros, como Suecia, permanecieron indecisos hasta que el Tratado de no proliferación puso fin a un debate interno en los años 60.
Others, such as Sweden, remained undecided until the NPT put an end to an internal debate in the 1960s.
35. El Ecuador señaló el amplio proceso de debate interno y de consultas con la sociedad civil que había tenido lugar para preparar el informe nacional.
35. Ecuador noted broad internal debate and consultation with civil society in the preparation of the national report.
Ello provocó un intenso debate interno entre los partidarios y los opositores de Hussein Radjabu, presidente del partido.
This triggered an intense internal debate between those who supported and those who were opposed to the party President, Hussein Radjabu.
El debate interno sobre la cuestión es intenso, dadas las legítimas expectativas de amplios sectores de la sociedad que aspiran a una vida mejor.
Internal debate on this issue is intense, given the just expectations of broad sectors of society that aspire to better living standards.
8. Antes de que se ratificara el Protocolo facultativo tuvo lugar un debate interno en paralelo a las consultas interministeriales.
8. There was internal debate held besides inter-ministerial consultations prior to the adoption of the Optional Protocol
Además, Grecia se abstuvo escrupulosamente de adoptar posturas que pudieran interpretarse como una injerencia en el debate interno que estaba teniendo lugar en Chipre.
Greece also scrupulously refrained from taking positions that might have appeared as interference in the internal debate in Cyprus.
Italia ha ratificado el Tratado después de un debate interno amplio y difícil, durante el cual surgieron graves preocupaciones.
47. Italy had ratified the Treaty after an extensive and difficult internal debate, during which serious concerns had been raised.
Al estudiar los mecanismos y obligaciones de los diversos tratados de las Naciones Unidas sobre derechos humanos, hemos iniciado un constructivo debate interno.
As we have studied the mechanisms and obligations of the various United Nations Treaties on human rights, we have entered into constructive internal debates.
- He tenido este debate interno...
- I've had this internal debate...
Yonki de la fama nos enseña su operación de pecho, y hay algo de debate interno sobre Blake Lively.
Fame junkie is doing this boob job expose, and there's some internal debate about Blake lively.
- Tenía un debate interno.
I was having an internal debate. Mm.
Hubo mucho debate interno, créame.
There was a lot of internal debate, trust me.
Experimento un momento de debate interno.
I have a moment’s internal debate.
Me enfrasqué en un apresurado debate interno.
I went through a hasty internal debate.
Parecía haber perdido un debate interno.
He looked like he’d lost an internal debate.
Esperé mientras ella continuaba con su debate interno.
I waited while she continued her own internal debate.
   - No, capitán.    Omito el debate interno que mantuve conmigo misma;
"No, Captain"-I'll omit the internal debate I held with myself;
De repente me doy cuenta de que este debate interno lo estoy manteniendo con una O’Brien imaginaria.
This internal debate, I realize, has been conducted with an imaginary O’Brien.
Tras un largo debate interno decidió que había sido el lunes por la tarde.
After much internal debate he decided it had been last Monday afternoon.
—inquirió Lucius, y pudo ver señales de un debate interno en el rostro de Maeniel.
Lucius asked, and saw evidence of an internal debate going on on Maeniel’s face.
Absorto en este debate interno, Malus estuvo a punto de no ver el fugaz movimiento que se produjo a su derecha.
Caught up in his internal debate, Malus almost missed the flicker of movement to his right.
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