Traduzione per "conocerlo bien" a inglese
Conocerlo bien
Esempi di traduzione.
Se suponía que él tenía que conocerlo bien o que, al menos, empezaba a conocerlo bien.
He was supposed to know him well, or at least to be getting to know him well.
—¿Has llegado a conocerle bien, entonces?
'You've come to know him well, then?'
¿Ves como acerté al esforzarme por conocerlo bien?
See, was I not wise in getting to know him well?
—Hay que conocerlo bien para sentir por él lo que siento.
You got to know him well to feel the way I do about him.
Fui su aprendiz durante doscientos años y llegué a conocerlo bien.
I was his Apprentice for two hundred years and came to know him well.
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