Traduzione per "cinta elástica" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Cuando mi vida llegue a su fin la cinta elástica se extenderá a tope.
When my life reaches its end. The elastic band will be stretched to its limit
¡Está cinta elástica me absorbe!
This confounded elastic band!
Es el que me robó la cinta elástica de mi cintura durante toda una semana.
He's the one who stole the elastic band around my waist for a whole week.
Si disparo a una miembro del Club de la Moda, llevaré pantalones marrones con una cinta elástica durante una semana.
If I fire on a fellow Fashion Club member, may I wear brown pants with an elastic band for a whole week.
Yo tengo una cinta elástica alrededor de mi cintura
In my case, I have an elastic band around my waist
¿La cinta elástica de vuestros pijamas?
The elastic band for your pajamas?
Algo en su fuero interno restalló como una cinta elástica.
Something in his essence twanged like an elastic band.
Tenía linternas con anchas cintas elásticas para ceñirse a la cabeza.
She had head-mounted lamps with big elastic bands.
Es como si los tuviese atados a las manos con cintas elásticas.
You’d think he’d tied them on to the ends of his fingers with elastic bands.
en el asiento, entre los dos, había un fajo de billetes sujeto con una cinta elástica—.
on the seat between them was a stack of money held together with an elastic band.
Cogieron una tabla lisa y le pusieron cintas elásticas para sujetar las tiras.
A flat board was fitted with elastic bands to hold the shreds in place.
Naomi le colocó una venda absorbente que empezó a fijar con una ancha cinta elástica.
Naomi put absorbent bandage on it and started wrapping it down with an wide elastic band.
Ahora usa gafas, sujetas con una cinta elástica negra y dentadura permanente.
He has glasses now, held on by a black elastic band, and permanent dentures.
Era un barbudo caucásico cuyas gafas se sostenían mediante una cinta elástica negra.
He was a bearded Caucasian whose glasses were held on with a black elastic band.
Dentro de la caja, suspendida entre una maraña de cintas elásticas, estaba su armadura. Cotyar silbó. —Una Goliath III.
Inside the crate, suspended in a web of elastic bands, was her suit. Cotyar whistled. “A Goliath III.
En una cinta elástica en el antebrazo.
It was in this elastic strap on her forearm.
Cada uno de los exploradores se sujetó una linterna a la frente con una cinta elástica.
Now each of the explorers strapped a light to the forehead with an elastic strap.
El mayor de ellos tiene una lupa de relojero sujeta en la frente con una cinta elástica.
The elder of them has a watchmaker’s eyeglass on an elastic around his forehead.
Para que esto no sucediese, le había cosido una cinta elástica que se ajustaba por debajo de la barbilla.
to assist this, she had attached to her hat a strip of elastic which went under the chin.
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