Traduzione per "aumento de fuerza" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Aumenta su fuerza de manera multiforme.
It increases their strength multifold.
Era suave pero, conforme seguía arrastrándose (y lo cierto es que ya tenían que hacerlo) aumentó de fuerza hasta que le pareció estar de nuevo a bordo del Santiago, con la gravedad artificial creada por el giro de la nave.
It was soft now, but as he crawled further (and now it really was a kind of crawling), it increased in strength, until he felt almost as if he was back aboard the Santiago , with her spin-generated artificial gravity.
Carece de habilidades destacadas; no es poeta, escritor ni filósofo. Como guerrero... Bueno, esporádicamente muestra valor, un valor que oculta grandes temores. Pero es un hombre enamorado, y eso aumenta su fuerza y su poder para enfrentarse a esos temores.
He has no great talents, is not a poet, a writer or a philosopher. As a warrior - well, he has a sporadic courage that hides great fears. But he is a man in love. And that will increase his strength, and his power to combat his fears.
Un Despojo se lanzó contra un hechicero, pero uno de los efectos del Acelerador, al parecer, era el aumento de fuerza.
A Wretchling jumped on one of the sorcerers, but increased strength seemed to be among the gifts the Accelerator bestowed.
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