Traduzione per "altos setos" a inglese
Altos setos
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El camino era estrecho, y por espacio de una milla iba por entre altos setos.
The road was narrow and for a mile was between high hedges.
Entonces apareció el Rolls plateado por la esquina de los altos setos.
Then the silver-gray Rolls turned the corner of the high hedges.
Grandes ventanas para mirar y altos setos tras los que acechar.
Wide windows to wiggle your eyes at and high hedges to hide behind.
Partieron, con Tim detrás, por un estrecho camino encajonado entre altos setos.
They set off with Timmy down a queer little lane, deep-set between high hedges.
Las aceras estaban bordeadas por enormes sicomoros y altos setos que ocultaban las mansiones que había detrás.
The sidewalks were overarched with immense sycamores and lined with high hedges that hid the grand houses behind them.
Vallas de tablones de una especie de mimbre entretejido —¿zarzo?—, o en algunos casos altos setos cubiertos de flores.
Fences of boards or a kind of basket-weaving—wattles?—or in some cases high hedges covered with flowers.
Era casi como caminar por una carretera rural, la oscuridad y los altos setos ocultaban cualquier signo de civilización.
It was almost like walking along a country road; the darkness and the high hedges obscured the signs of civilization.
Fue una revelación para Mary, acostumbrada al cálido y suave clima de Helford, con sus altos setos y árboles protectores.
It was a revelation to Mary, accustomed as she was to the warm and soft climate of Helford, with its high hedges and tall protecting trees.
Siguieron por una carretera, rodeada de altos setos y bordeada por una zanja verde y fangosa, y se desviaron por un camino a través de una verja.
They went along a lane with high hedges and a green, murky ditch, and turned through a gate, into a driveway.
– le dijo Greyback a sus hombres. Movieron a los prisioneros por las rejas y por el camino, entre altos setos que amortiguaban sus pasos.
said Greyback to his men, and the prisoners were shunted through the gates and up the drive, between high hedges that muffled their footsteps.
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