Traduzione per "aftershave" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
¿Nuevo aftershave, Ray?
New aftershave, Ray?
Se acabo el aftershave.
I'm out of aftershave.
Yo cambiaría de aftershave.
I'd change the aftershave.
- Flores, bombones, aftershave.
Flowers, chocolates, aftershave.
Yo no llevo aftershave.
I don't wear aftershave.
Llevas ese aftershave.
You're wearing that aftershave.
- Un aftershave, por favor.
- Some aftershave, please.
Quizás mi nuevo aftershave.
My new aftershave perhaps.
La habitación olía a aftershave.
The room smelled of aftershave.
Llamémoslo aftershave antipersonas.
Call it AP aftershave.
Olía ligeramente a aftershave.
I smelled a trace of aftershave.
Su aftershave huele a clavo.
His aftershave has the smell of cloves.
—Lo único que huelo es a aftershave.
“All I can smell is aftershave.”
El aftershave del hombre huele a clavo.
The man’s aftershave has the smell of cloves.
Su aftershave siempre llega antes que usted.
Your aftershave arrives before you do.
Ella olió su sudor, el aftershave y el tónico capilar.
She could smell his sweat and aftershave and hair tonic.
en lugar de oler a desinfectante, olía a aftershave y a perfume.
instead of disinfectant, the odors in the air were of aftershave lotion and designer perfumes.
Esa noche en su propia cama, Jolene olía aún el aftershave del tío Phil y sentía las pequeñas bolas de algodón de su colcha de felpilla entre los dedos cerrados.
That night in her own bed she could still smell Uncle Phil’s aftershave lotion and feel the little cotton balls of their chenille bedspread in the grasp of her fingers.
And you-with your aftershave lotion and your little red car, pushing papers across a desk all day and chasing tail all night-tell me, just how the hell do you think you would look to Tiglath-Pileser, say, or Attila the Hun?
And you-with your aftershave lotion and your little red car, pushing papers across a desk all day and chasing tail all night-tell me, just how the hell do you think you would look to Tiglath-Pileser, say, or Attila the Hun?
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