Traduzione per "стоял спиной" a inglese
Стоял спиной
Esempi di traduzione.
stood with his back
Эндрюс стоял спиной к камину.
Andrews stood with his back to the fireplace.
Колдун стоял спиной к нему.
The warlock stood with his back to him.
Индеец стоял спиной к входу.
He stood with his back to the open door.
Зейн стоял спиной к раковине.
Zane stood with his back against the sink.
Светловолосый стоял спиной к Дункану.
The fair-haired man stood with his back to Duncan, nodding.
— Он стоял спиной к вам в лифте? — Да.
And aloud he said: “He stood with his back towards you in the lift?” “Yes.”
Бумур стоял спиной к Глиссону, глядя в шар.
Boumour stood with his back to Glisson, looking up into the globe.
Ощетинившийся генерал Мейсон стоял спиной к огню.
Still bristling, General Mason stood with his back to the fire.
Галан стоял спиной ко мне, подняв руки.
Galant stood with his back to me and his hands raised.
Он стоял спиной к публике, лицом к оркестру.
He faced, with his back to the audience, the orchestra.
Он должен был стоять спиной к двери, к тому же, это занятие чертовски шумное.
He'd have had his back to the door, it would have been noisy as hell.
Разговаривая с Вами, месье Блэйк стоял спиной к комнате и Вы могли видеть Каролину, ведь только она и могла украсть этот яд.
Monsieur Blake had his back to the room when he was talking to you, so, it was perfectly possible for you to see her, the only person who could do so.
Он стоял спиной к Артуру и смотрел, как последние отблески света утопают в черноте за горизонтом.
He was standing with his back to Arthur watching the very last glimmers of light sink into blackness behind the horizon.
Снегг стоял спиной к Гарри, вынимая, как обычно, пряди своих мыслей и бережно опуская их в одолженный у Дамблдора Омут памяти.
Snape was standing with his back to Harry, removing, as usual, certain of his thoughts and placing them carefully in Dumbledore’s Pensieve.
Открыв дверь, он оглянулся на Снегга: тот стоял спиной к нему, подцеплял из Омута палочкой свои мысли и аккуратно вкладывал их в голову.
As he opened it, he glanced back at Snape, who had his back to Harry and was scooping his own thoughts out of the Pensieve with the tip of his wand and replacing them carefully inside his own head.
Человек стоял спиной к объективу.
His back was to the camera.
Тот все еще стоял спиной к женщине.
His back was still turned to her.
Он стоял спиной к гостиной.
He stood with his back to the room.
Человек стоял спиной к Сэму.
The man had his back turned to Sam.
Кмен стоял спиной к туннелю.
Kami’en had his back to the tunnel.
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