Esempi di traduzione.
Consideravo un acquisto.
Considering a purchase.
Ti considerava un amico.
She considered you a friend.
Mi consideravo un ribelle.
Considered myself a rebel.
Lo considerava un amico?
Did you consider yourself friends?
Lo consideravi un amico.
You considered him your friend.
Consideravo Luke un amico.
I considered Luke a friend.
Ti consideravo un amico.
I considered you a friend.
Si considerava un artista...
He considered himself an artist...
Lo considerava innocuo.
She considered him harmless enough.
Richmond considerava la sua solitudine come qualcosa...
- Richmond regarded his solitude as something—
Norwood considerava la sua solitudine come qualcosa...
- Norwood regarded his solitude as something—
Merton considerava la sua solitudine come qualcosa di sacro.
- Merton regarded his solitude as something sacred.
Richmond considerava la sua solitud...
Richmond regarded his solitude—
Lo consideravo il miglior magistrato.
I regarded him as the best lawyer for the job, yes.
Richmond considerava la sua...
- Richmond regarded his—
Merton considerava la sua solitudine come qualcosa...
Merton regarded his solitude as something s—
La considerava una di loro.
They regarded her as one of the people.
Scusa se non l'ho menzionato prima, Harry, ma consideravo il tuo stato mentale.
I'm sorry I didn't mention this before, Harry, but I had to take into account your mental state.
Mi ha convinto a fare tutto il suo lavoro e poi, entrando nella sua posta elettronica, ho scoperto che mi considerava uno sfigato.
She got me to do all her work for her. And then I hacked into her e-mail account and found out she thought I was a loser.
Ma non consideravo la presenza del tuo interprete.
But I forgot to account for your interpreter.
Un uomo era furioso. Sua moglie lo aveva lasciato a casa perché lo considerava un coglione, se n'era andata alla festa con un altro.
This fella was pissed that his wife left him on account of him being a dull man.
Quelli del suo staff, che lui considerava come figli.
The ones on his staff, whom he treated like children.
Se entrava una persona brutta, spesso gli offrivo un dolce gratis e mi consideravo davvero speciale perche'... trattavo bene le persone brutte.
And if an ugly person came in, I would often give him a free dessert. And I thought of myself as being really special for... treating the uglies well.
Lucan considerava il Clermont come una seconda casa, proprio come voleva Aspers.
Lucan treated the Clermont as a home from home, just as Aspers intended.
Mio padre... non la considerava una storia di fantasia.
My father didn't treat it as a story.
Consideravo la rete elettrica come una fonte costante per Internet.
I... I've been treating the power grid as if it was a seamless source of Internet.
Lo considerava come fosse suo.
Treated him as her own.
Consideravo Mi Sook come una sorella.
I treated Mi Sook like a sister.
Sicuramente non voleva restare in vita... senza la capacità di fare quello che considerava... l'essenza della sua persona.
He definitely did not want to exist without the ability to do what he viewed as his core personal identity.
Non io consideravo un rischio.
I didn't view it as a risk.
Non è vero. Mi considerava stupida. Si sarebbe arrabbiata moltissimo se solo avessi osato avere un opinione.
She thought me stupid, she'd be fuming that I even dared to take a view.
Vostro Onore, senza interrogare chi la polizia considerava sospetti prima di porre l'attenzione...
Your Honor, we all want to question witnesses that the police viewed as suspects before narrowing their focus on the accused.
Lo consideravo poco affidabile, un pazzo.
I would view him as unreliable...crazy.
Si opponeva fortemente a quanto stava accadendo al Sud. e considerava l'esercito dopo la fine della guerra come una presenza oppressiva.
He was strongly opposed to what was going on in the South and in fact viewed the army after the end of the war as being oppressive.
Oh, la consideravo già una vittoria.
Oh, I already counted this as a victory.
Non ci considerava mai.
She never counted us.
Pensava che l'impiccagione fosse disumana, considerava la sedia più comoda.
He thought hanging was inhumane, reckoned the chair was kinder.
Volevo solo specificare che si sbagliava su quello che considerava la vita e la morte e se dovesse essere una scelta.
I just wanted to point out that you were wrong about the one that's debating life and death and whether it should be a choice.
Trovo che... tutto cio' in cui credevo, tutto cio' che consideravo vero, sia stato completamente rivoltato in questi ultimi, pochi... fragili mesi.
I find that... all that I believed, all that I held true has been turned upside down in these last few fragile months.
Woll li considerava innocui ribelli.
Woll called them wayward youth.
Quell'uomo mi considerava un amico.
This man once called me a friend.
La gente lo considerava una brava persona.
People called him a great guy.
Berlusconi mi considerava uno scarto di Zidane.
Berlusconi hated me. Do you know what he called me?
Vi consideravo i miei animali domestici Si proprio cosi:
That is what they call you:
Quindi lo consideravi il tuo fidanzato.
So you did call him your boyfriend.
Si considerava un survivalista.
Lloyd called himself a survivalist.
Mi considerava la sua musa.
He used to call me his Muse.
La considerava... una cosa morbosa.
She called it being morbid.
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