Traduzione per "it's style" a tedesco
Esempi di traduzione.
You can easily recognize a Monk composition by its style, I replied, but it’s not easy, even for true devotees, to know exactly which piece it is.
Seine Kompositionen sind leicht zu erkennen, an ihrem Stil, sagte ich, allerdings ist es selbst für ausgewiesene Kenner schwierig zu sagen, worin genau Monks Stil besteht.
The letter’s author is none other than the dictator who once presided over us, and the letter itself seems to be addressed to a son or a daughter residing abroad; what you see below is an exact replica of the original, for I have made no effort to water down the pasha-like grandiosity of its style.
Ich veröffentlichte diesen Brief, den einer unserer damaligen Diktatoren an eins seiner Kinder, Sohn oder Tochter, im Ausland gerichtet hatte, hier in meiner Spalte, ohne den Stil – den Pascha-Stil – anzutasten:
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