Traduzione per "gave instructions" a tedesco
Gave instructions
Esempi di traduzione.
“Who are you? I gave instructions that nobody was to be admitted without . “Father,”
»Wer sind Sie? Ich gab Anweisungen, niemanden einzulassen, ohne …«
'This Aelric must be caught,' raged the King, and he gave instructions that the strongest flyers among his army must be sent to guard his installations from the air, so that the harmful propaganda leaflets could not be dropped.
»Dieser Aelric muß geschnappt werden«, wütete der König und gab Anweisung, die besten Flieger seiner Armee auszuschicken, damit sie die Produktionsanlagen aus der Luft bewachten und verhinderten, daß die subversiven Flugblätter abgeworfen würden.
since, moreover, it would not have been good form for the police anonymously to set a child at the gates of the halfway house, which would have been the only way to save the other formalities… thus, because of a whole series of bureaucratic and administrative difficulties that seemed likely to occur if the child were shunted aside, and because time was short as well, officer La Fosse revoked his original decision and gave instructions for the boy to be handed over on written receipt to some ecclesiastical institution or other, so that there they could baptize him and decide his further fate.
- aus einer Reihe von Schwierigkeiten bürokratischer und verwaltungstechnischer Art also, die sich bei der Abschiebung des Kleinkinds zu ergeben schienen, und weil im übrigen die Zeit drängte, nahm der Polizeioffizier La Fosse von seinem ursprünglichen Entschluss wieder Abstand und gab Anweisung, den Knaben bei irgendeiner kirchlichen Institution gegen Aushändigung einer Quittung abzugeben, damit man ihn dort taufe und über sein weiteres Schicksal entscheide.
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